Gourds await the hiab crane

The last one being on tripod of strong ferrocement pillars filled with plaster, and carved, took a lot longer, but we’re happy… I used a thin shading grout to highlight the shapes. See my increasingly frequent howto uploads on my YouTube channel Renaissance Workshops

Raised beds with anti-snail lips


Raewyn’s Appletree cottage food gardens now have two raised beds with a new turned-down lip which I’m hoping will turn back snails – or trick the into hibernating when they reach the dry overhang. Then Raewyn can catch them there before they get into her gardens…slugs too with any luck!

The lips are made by bending over the square mesh ends then tying 6mm rod to the ends. A single length of chickenwire folded lengthwise over the framework and tucked into the underside of the turned over part was just wide enough. Plastering was a bit longer but first coat took 2 hours per bed, second coat about the same counting sponge finishing and cleanup. See photos…

Dandelion cappuccino break during filling with 1.7 cubic metres of compost each bed (3.8 metres long by 1.25, 36cm deep). The thrushes and blackbirds loved the worms from the homemade compost Raewyn added to the bought stuff…


A ferrocement pergola with raised beds, benches and firewood storage


A Home project… part of Appletree Haven’s intensive garden makeover. Finally it’s done! Many sidetracks and weather delays, and a few health delays too! This pergola is quite big – 8 metres by about 3.2 all up.

I continue to refine techniques, especially the making of ferro round section beams… also made a new bender, and got a bigger (125mm) angle grinder with ultrathin cutoff disks for quick cutting of rebar especially all the square mesh I’m using now for all but the fully rounded shapes. I used a spray pack with handpump for applying the iron sulphate solution for the rusty finish stain… way faster than brushing on! Here are some more photos of the final product, followed by some of the building thereof.20171007_123229



Spiral herb garden progress

Well I’m finally back to ferrocement, in Gisborne now based at Dreamspace gallery and workshops, 61 Carnarvon St. Main focus in the ferro: ‘dreamhavens – cabins you only dreamed of’… see www.dreamhaven.nz  . (formerly hobbithaven – this was lost in cyberspace when my old email peter at eutopia disappeared with eutopia.co.nz – sigh!)

dreamhaven card 26 06 17

The Tairawhiti Environment Centre here asked me to make a herb spiral for them, and a garden path edging. Here are some photos. The spiral was a challenge as it is a complex shape to bend steel to – a spiral of steel rebar becomes a giant spring which needs strong framework to hold it. I put it over a ‘christmas tree’ frame specially made for forming circles and sprirals. But next time I will try welded joins – tied ones slip and the spiral twists… So, welding learning curve next… Also note the colour – hybrid of some ‘marigold’ oxide in the final coat and a wash of iron sulphate (used in lawn care for moss control) within a day of last coat and carving of it. Also note the black non-woven weedmatting for protection while the plaster cures – we got a 4 metre-wide roll of the thick felty stuff from Permathene which works well as it is wettable, doesn’t flap about, and won’t tear or fray like woven does. Raewyn will help fill the spiral and plant it. We are donating it to the cause – good advert I hope!

The garden edging took a lot of bending over and joining up 6 metre lengths, but it is very strong. They plan to fill it with smooth pebbles.



Hobbits happy

And so will I be! I’m embarking on a new venture, which has its own blog/website: https://hobbithaven.wordpress.com/ – a new enterprise all about making a new line of hobbitholes, cabins, tiny homes, etc., all in the Tolkien spirit and incorporating Elven and other influences as well but focusing on (licensed) hobbit structures (human sized of course). Click the link and follow the journey!  I will still post here the more technical stuff as before..

The cabin in the woods the making of which inspired me to go hobbit building:


The answer is spinning in the wind

Mobile ferrocement sculptures? Combined with follies for the recluse or the children? Look no further; here;s the concept model in plaster of Paris anyway. It happened to be blowing hard yesterday when I made it and I found it spun quite nicely considering it hasn’t got any proper bearings or aerodynamic design…

I’ve been told do the hobbit cabins first – more practical… But I’ll put the model out there and if you know someone who wants this, contact me forthwith! Id love to make one. It would be about 4-5 metres high, giving a lifesized ‘vitruvian couple’…

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Dove project at the Herstory Ark, Kaiwaka

Nearly done! I posted more pictures at http://wizardofeutopia.com/2014/11/09/the-dove-sleeps-in-the-sand/ The oval ferrocement sign was easy – rotproof and strong, I think I’d do all my signs in ferro… even a street sandwich board sign – heavy enough not to blow over in the wind too…

Even though the fence ferro along the straight part of the wall wasn’t ideal, being baggy etc, it has firmed up well already with the plaster on, all but the second inside coat. I think it will flex but not crack under load eg from strong winds; but we’ll see… I think I’d definitely go for 665 square mesh as the armature next time. I’ll try it out for the raised beds I plan around the boat prow.



The abstract ideals of Eutopia and the Shire meet concretely

My latest vision is to start a romantic Tolkienesque village based on the ideals of Love Beauty Truth and Freedom. The structures of low-maintenance ferrocement (with some wooden trim etc). This is a model of the cabin-cottages I have in mind. About 5 meters by 3.5. The central farmhouse would be much bigger and house all the cooking and washing and dining areas, like an Inn. The cabins are for resting reading sleeping etc.

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