The answer is spinning in the wind

Mobile ferrocement sculptures? Combined with follies for the recluse or the children? Look no further; here;s the concept model in plaster of Paris anyway. It happened to be blowing hard yesterday when I made it and I found it spun quite nicely considering it hasn’t got any proper bearings or aerodynamic design…

I’ve been told do the hobbit cabins first – more practical… But I’ll put the model out there and if you know someone who wants this, contact me forthwith! Id love to make one. It would be about 4-5 metres high, giving a lifesized ‘vitruvian couple’…

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An Elven arched raised bed garden in Gisborne

I’ve been recovering from an intensive two weeks making this (I’ll let the photos do most of the talking, but it is at my daughter Anna’s partner’s house on the hill. The doglet is our Poppy’s pup, Honey. She kept up a constant ‘throw the ball for me’ routine every evening when Anna came home. The cappuccino maker was good, and the weather mostly kind, though the heat and the drying out of fresh plaster was a problem). Overall I think it worked really well. I had to fly back before the scraping and carving was all done, and the sealing and painting. Marco is apparently doing all that as I write. Will upload photos of painted and planted gardens when i get them!

Builder of Eutopia building again – contracting in ferrocement

Well, my latest practical development is a return to making concrete stuff –ferrocement gardens and anything else the patron imagines.

I met Deborah, my co-creator in this venture (who is mad keen on ferrocement and gardens too) because I had the Wizard of Eutopia sign out. So in a way it has been of pragmatic use to ‘come out’ as a wizard! Especially since she has a magical little ferro cottage/bach at the back of her place, built by a man named Weston, in need of renovation and containing a built-in water tank which under my sledgehammer is now becoming a sort of grotto of the goddess (the Chrysalis Cave). In this cottage she will sell all my eutopian objects, as well as her own. Magic is indeed unfolding there, and i am sure it will live up to its name ‘Deb’s Enchanted Cottage’.

If you want anything of this nature, email me

Looking forward to getting out of doors more, being fit, and having fun creating stuff people actually ordered, for a change!

Then when we have some funds, we can tackle the finishing of cafe Eutopia – naturally!